In the Old Times, they called it Þrekka – the indomitable spirit of seeing it through.

Threkka invites you to journey to Liminalia, join The Gym Between (for free!), channel your own þrekka, and live yourself longer.

Now available – UK-only for now – in the App Store.

Welcome to Liminalia

A free-to-play iPhone fitness app like no other, Threkka catapults you down a wormhole and into a parallel world filled with folklore, misfits, and healthy habits.

Once you've remembered who you are, you'll soon meet Humbert – a thespian minotaur frustrated with his portrayal in the classics as a mere beast – and before long you're helping him bring the Gym Between back to its former glory.

And so the scene is set for Threkka. It's a free-to-play gym builder / management game, but... one with a bit of a twist.

...nyaaactually, scratch that, it's quite a big twist.

It'll give you more life.

A Better You

Threkka exists to do one thing: to help you work out again, tomorrow.

Building healthy habits is hard. In fact, if you're reading this, you've probably tried, and failed, and that's frustrating, but now you're ready to go again. If you're wanting a little help, we might have just the thing.

To get the Gym Between back to its former glory, you're going to need to help your Gym Between members – we call them Champs – earn Gold to buy and upgrade equipment. They'll get Gold by beating a series of tougher and tougher workouts in the Gym Between. But to get fit enough to beat those challenges, they'll need to train. And training costs Sweat.

...only way to earn Sweat? Take your Champs out training in the real world.

With you.


Dragon Drop a Champ onto the in-game You to digitise them onto your mobile. Then tap and hold on You to wormhole right back to the real world!


Use the apps and wearables you're probably already using to capture any sort of workout, movement, or exercise. Your virtual training partner'll be right there with you!


Return to Liminalia, and Dragon Drop your Champ out of your in-game mobile to reworld them. fitOS – the software that runs on your in-game mobile – pops up and summarises what you got!


Depending on how long you worked out for, what you did, and your Champ's level of recovery, you'll get awarded Sweat, and... that's just what you need to train at the Gym Between!

Hard Work Play Pays Off

More than just badges and leaderboards, Threkka slings proper game design at fitness.

  • This is a gang of misfits whose reasons for working out might just mirror your own.
  • This is hundreds of structured workout challenges, supps, prizes, secrets, and more.
  • This is you being a guest in their world and you returning the favour.
  • This is the world's first interdimensional PhaseTime calls.
  • This is starting off on an air bike made of cardboard and maybe winding up with one made of gold.

This is a riotous celebration of how games, fitness, imagination, and seeing the joy in little things, might just change the world.

With Heart

I've been where you are, at the beginning scary bit where there's a whole heap of hard work to be done before you get to where you want to get to. I knew going in to my journey from bulk to hulk that habit formation would be the hardest and most critical bit. I needed to channel the spirit of seeing it through. I needed some threkka.

And so it was that once I was out the other end, I figured there must be a way to take what I'd built a 25-year career on – designing and shipping games – and mash that up with what I'd just done, in order to help others channel their threkka and experience the massive benefits that fitness, exercise and a healthy lifestyle afford.

Took a couple of years for the epiphanies to hit, and then another four to teach myself how to code and actually make it, but here we are. Over to you.

You got this ❤️

Kinda like a... swan?

There's an awful lot going on under the hood of Threkka.

From a fitness model that works out how long a particular movement will take based on its unique fitness fingerprint, the fitness of the Champ doing the movement across different fitness subtypes, plus their fatigue, recovery, and player-set intensity levels, to the game fast-forwarding through time in the blink of an eye to make it appear like there's a consistent universe running in the background.

All in service of making the bit you're playing with simple, consistent, friendly, and effective.


different movements


of workout challenges


9 pieces of equipment × 10 variants × lots of upgrade levels


pillars to the Gym Between's ICER system: intensity, capacity, enduro, recovery


cynicism in the free-to-play monetisation model



Vector emojis designed by OpenMoji – the open-source emoji and icon project. License: CC BY-SA 4.0.