Hail, noble companions! I am Humbert, your refined and tragically misunderstood thespian Minotaur. As the first Champ you’ll meet, I bring both strength and eloquence – though I confess, I do lean into a bit of dramatic flair now and then. My frustration? Centuries of being cast as a mindless brute! But fear not, for my journey is one of overcoming the weight of others' perceptions. Together, we shall rise above, embracing the cultured spirit that dwells within this formidable frame.
Oh, um… hi? I’m Joan… from the Himalayas. I'm a Yeti! But you probably realised that already. I’m… uh… kinda like a really powerful snowball… that crashes into things a lot. It’s hard being big and, well, awkward. I try to stay out of everyone’s way, but it’s not easy when you’re this size. Honestly, coming to the Gym Between took a lot of courage for me, so… maybe we could take things slow? I just… don’t wanna break anything. Or anyone.
Greetings, valued associate. Myself? I’m Jim, Senior Soul Reaper at Death Inc. – a streamlined operation for all your afterlife needs. My role? Ensure timely collection and processing of souls, adhering to a strict universal schedule. Efficiency is key. There’s no need for individuality when you’re part of a highly effective system, right? But… lately, I’ve been considering a potential paradigm shift. Maybe even a Reaper can… explore opportunities for personal growth. Moving forward, of course.
You seen Kaiya before? Live in well. Crawl out of TVs. People think Kaiya cursed. Maybe they’re right… but maybe not. Kaiya definitely feels cursed, though. Always scared. Always looking for the next well to hide in. Safe there. Dark. Deep. But deep down, Kaiya wants more. Friends, not shadows. Homes, not just wells. That’s why Kaiya keeps checking listings… viewing new wells. Maybe one day… somewhere brighter. But first… can you help Kaiya break free of curse?
Yo yo yo, what’s good fam? Smash that like button, share, subscribe – let’s get those numbers up, yeah? Your boy Wally here, the Windigo with the freshest gear, the sickest kicks, and more followers than you can count. The Gym Between? Oh yeah, I’m here for the looks, bruv. Gotta show off these gains, keep the fans hyped. Content is king, innit? Stick with me, and you’ll see how the real pros do it. Like a bang-up peregrine spotting its next target, I’m always locked in. Let’s get it!
Sigh. So, I’m Ray, and apparently it’s my job to spread joy and cheer across the Liminalian fitness multiverse. Fun, right? Well, it would be, except… sniff sniff... I’m suuuure I can smell a human around here. Haven’t seen one of those since the Old Times. And now? Their meddling is messing with my Unicorn GPS. I’m lost. Way behind schedule. Overworked. Underpaid. But hey, I’m a Unicorn, so I have to be cheerful, don’t I? Yay. Go Ray.
Somehow, I ended up in Liminalia. Don’t ask me how – I’m still figuring that part out. But the more time I spend here, the more it feels like the right place to be. These Champs? They’ve got their issues, just like me, but it feels like together we can exercise our demons and build something better. They’ve opened up their world to me, so it’s only right I help them make the most of their time in mine. Let's threkkin' goooooo!